Meet Snugglet!

Snugglet was a case study in the fact that neglect comes in all forms, but his owners did the loving thing to surrender him.

Snugglet arrived at Old Dog Haven in terrible condition. He had such bad allergies that he was hairless. His skin was red and hot to the touch and it oozed in places because of his nonstop scratching and chewing. Also, his nails were so long that they curled over, his teeth were in very bad shape, and he was in constant pain. Poor Snugglet was afraid of everything.

Thanks to Old Dog Haven, Snugglet now has a loving home and his medical conditions were addressed. With the help of an allergist his skin has healed and his hair has grown back. Snugglet also received the extensive dental procedure he needed that was covered by the Maranda Fund.

His previous owners had said that Snugglet did not like to cuddle or love very much but they were wrong! Part of his transformation was his name, as Nugget he was left all alone to suffer. But in his new home Snugglet get the love and care he deserves and has become a super snuggler – hence the name Snugglet!

No longer afraid of everything, this summer Snugglet learned how to ride a motorcycle and is looking forward to teaching his foster brother Jacks the ropes next summer.

Update:  Dear Snugglet was in his loving Final Refuge home for over four wonderful years.  He was a very old and very dear pup and will be greatly missed by his mom.  Snugglet had the perfect final chapter and really lived up to his name.

e-Nugget JRT-chi skin day1

Snugglet on day one with his dreadful skin