Abbie and Andy
Very special pair
Abbie and Andy are very sweet, gentle, shy siblings looking for a home together. They are 12 years old and weigh about 20 pounds. Their breed mix appears to be schnauzer with perhaps pug? ADORABLE!
Andy is nearly blind and depends on Abby to guide him and keep him safe. Both of these precious dogs have been through a lot and need a quiet, peaceful and safe home.
Abbie and Andy will need a fenced yard to feel secure in and a home that is safe with no stairs or major obstacles so Andy can navigate his environment without fear and anxiety.
This is an ideal pair for someone who is home often and would like to open their home to a quiet pair of very special and noble dogs.
Andy and Abbie are posted for Welfare for Animals Guild (WAG). They are being fostered at the WAG Halfway Home Ranch in Sequim, WA.
Questions regarding this bonded pair can be emailed to Melanie at: or you can call Mary C. at 404-326-0249.
These are not ODH dogs; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Welfare for Animals Guild (WAG)
- Email:
- Phone: 404-326-0249