Abigail (Abbey)
Enjoys her lap time
Little Abigail Abbey to her family came into a busy shelter as a stray. Hard to believe she would have wandered off since her main interest is in being with her people, preferably on a lap, but somehow she was on her own. Very, very thin, with horrible eye damage leaving just a very small amount of vision, but perky and sweet so the shelter asked ODH to somehow find her a place to spend whatever time she had left. She happily settled into one of our Shih Tzu homes and has been comforted by cuddling with one of the older Tzu as well as spending quality time on moms lap. She enjoys her walks and enjoys eating, so we have hopes of some good times ahead. Shes safe and wanted, well fed and loved. What more could a little old lady ask? Little Abigail had a wonderful life with her ODH family, becoming a happier and much more outgoing and confident girl despite her physical challenges. After nearly 3 years her little body gave out but her memory stays with her family. Abigail passed away April 22, 2015.