Quiet pup and loves blankets
Boo is a very easy little bitty 5 lb chihuahua. He loves to sleep and will curl up in his fleece blankets.. In fact, he will find any warm blankets to curl up in!
Boo is crate trained and is a very quiet dog. He would do well in an apartment or a house.
Boo gets along great with other dogs (large and small) and cats. He really enjoys their company but would also be fine as an only dog.
Boo is very affectionate and loves to be picked up and sit on your lap. He will stand there and do a little dance to be held. He also loves to talk to the other dog in the foster home.
He has been vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. He is 10 years of age.
Boo is posted for Washington German Shepherd Rescue. He is in a foster home in North Bend, WA.
ODH has not met this dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Washington German Shepherd Rescue
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