Captain came to Home Base at about 10 years old, missing an eye, and somehow managed to keep his never-ending cool in a home with 15 dogs and 3 other cats. Over 6 years he probably welcomed 300 new dogs into his home – most uninterested in cats but some who had to be instructed. He valued high places to sleep, the comfort of the pellet stove and the sunny window, and perching on the back of Judith’s chair to comb her hair. His favorite place was on Lee’s chest, and his last night he took care to flick the newest dog in the face with his tail while in that safe spot. This tough guy tolerated a growth in his nasal cavity for two years, until it finally ate through into the socket of the missing eye. We could finally diagnose it as malignant melanoma and it was time to say goodbye. Captain’s remarkable dignity in the midst of chaos and no doubt a lot of pain is something we will remember always.