Chino was a handsome, mellow little man who came with the usual host of neglected old dog issues—eyes, ears, skin, back, arthritis, hearing and vision. We immediately set about getting these things under control for him and getting him more comfortable. Other than the medicated baths he was happy to let us do whatever we thought needed doing (he didn’t think baths were needed).  It did quickly become evident that Chino would have to wear a belly band and he had no complaints. It seemed strange that even going out every hour he could not seem to stay dry, in spite of nothing being found to account for it on his initial medical evaluation. Was it a symptom of anxiety?

We were all settled in for a peaceful retirement for this old guy when on his eighth day with us he started the morning with repeated vomiting. Even when the vomiting finally stopped it was increasingly clear that things were not going well with Chino. In the emergency clinic an ultrasound showed a large prostate tumor which had accounted for his inability to hold his urine and that was now causing a bowel obstruction. Although his former owners had not wanted him, we did, and it was with tears we told our old gentleman goodbye, much much too soon.