Polite, gentle and energetic
Felix is an amazing gentleman who is ready to find his forever home. This boy is only 8 years old. Felix weighs 77 pounds and is a lab/shepherd mix. He is polite and gentle and he loves everyone. Felix is living peacefully with another dog, a cat and children in his foster home and he has been a delightful house guest. He has impeccable house manners and is respectful of everyone around him.
Felix would love an active family willing to include him in their adventures especially the outdoor ones. He is active, energetic and in great physical shape. If you are looking for a walking, running or hiking partner then Felix is the dog for you.
Felix is posted for Save-A-Mutt Rescue. He is being fostered in Snohomish County, WA. For more information about Felix, please submit a Save-A-Mutt adoption application. Adoption applications can be found at www.save-a-mutt.org.
These are not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Save-A-Mutt Rescue
- Website: www.save-a-mutt.org