Very good natured
What a handsome dachshund this boy is! His name is Gator and he’s 12 years old. Gator weighs about 15 pounds. Gator has lived with other dogs and is said to be social with new dogs he meets. He has no experience with cats. Gator has been good with children who are kind to him. Currently Gator can stay alone and without a potty break for about 6 hours. He manages stairs every day but as he ages it may become more difficult for him (as it can be so often with this breed). Gator walks calmly on leash and really appreciates going for walks.
Gator has a history of skin and ear issues. He takes a medication called Atopica which helps keep his skin comfortable. Gator gets Zyvox drops to his ears and he is hypothyroid-a very common condition in senior dogs-so he takes a daily supplement for that too. This may sound like a lot but we all have our needs and this boy is worth it!
He’s a very good natured companion dog who is in need of a forever home. Someone will be very lucky to make him a part of their family.
Gator is in Renton, WA.
ODH has not met this dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
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