Mellow guy
Meet Hadrian. This 8 year old guy may be middle aged but he still has a lot of energy! He weighs 71 pounds and is a Lab/bully mix. He pulls a bit on leash but he walks great with a harness. He has been a regular member of the shelter “pack walks” and does well walking along with other dogs looking handsome in his “Adopt Me Vest”. Chasing a ball and playing fetch seem to be his favorite activities. After getting a bit of exercise, Hadrian is a mellow guy who likes to hang out and cuddle. He also knows some commands like “sit” and “stay.” With his playful energy, Hadrian would do best in a home with kids over 12. He needs a home without cats or small dogs. He is good friends with a larger female bully dog he met at the shelter and he enjoys playdates with her, but he tends to like the game of chase a bit too much for kitties and small dogs. Hadrian is a gentleman seeking companionship and a life of leisure for his later years in life. A fenced yard would enable him to laze about in the sunny afternoons, which he loves to do. Sound like your kind of guy? Meet Hadrian today and make some amazing memories!
Hadrian is posted for the Humane Society of Southwest Washington in Vancouver, Washington.
Old Dog Haven has not met this dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Humane Society of Southwest Washington
- Email: tzimmerman@southwesthumane.org
- Phone: 360-693-4746