Wants a loving family
Meet Lefty! He is estimated to be about 10 years old. Lefty weighs 60 pounds. Lefty can interact with other mellow dogs his size, who ignore him. He wouldn’t want to be around dogs who want to roughhouse. Lefty tends to “police” any rowdiness! The belief is that Lefty would enjoy older, gentle kids. He would more than likely chase cats so a cat-free home would be best for him.
Lefty has arthritis. His rescuer just started giving him glucosamine. With mild daily exercise and anti-inflammatory medication, he may be able to do a few stairs but not many. In his past life Lefty spent most of his time outside. Now in rescue, he is able to be inside and outside as he pleases. Lefty has proven himself to be housebroken. He loves hanging out with his foster family, following them around with a toy in his mouth. Lefty enjoys being outside in the sun or on a dog bed on their porch.
Lefty is described as a very friendly, calm boy. He is ready to find a home where he’ll be someone’s cherished best friend!
Lefty is posted for Western Australian Shepherd Rescue. Check out Lefty’s online profile:
He is being fostered in Port Angeles, WA. For more information about Lefty and how to adopt him, please email Jodi at: petresq@hotmail.com
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Western Australian Shepherd Rescue
- Email: petresq@hotmail.com
- Website: www.westernaustralianshepherdrescue.com/washingtonoregon-available-dogs.html