Lexi is an 8 year old Puggle who weighs 22 pounds. She is ready to find her forever home. Lexi loves everyone that she meets and everyone loves her! Lexi is blind but she doesn’t let that stop her from living life to the fullest. Her people should be patient while helping her become accustomed to her surroundings.

Lexi has diabetes, and she is currently receiving 2 doses of injectable insulin each day. Her adopter must be prepared financially for regular visits with a veterinarian in order to manage Lexi’s health.

Lexi loves going for walks and, as long as her people are guiding her, she does really well on short hikes. Lexi has impeccable house manners and can live peacefully in any home. This very special girl deserves a family that will be devoted to her and love her for the rest of her life.

Lexi is in a foster home in Marysville, WA. She is posted for Save-A-Mutt. For more information on Lexi and adopting her, please contact Save-A-Mutt: http://www.save-a-mutt.org/contact/

This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.