Many adventures
Littlefoot, who we believe is a Lab/Shar-Pei mix, wandered into a kind persons home in terrible condition. He pleaded with ODH to take her, so after her stray hold with Animal Control, she went to a Final Refuge home familiar with Shar-Pei skin challenges. Weve repaired her entropion (turned-in eyelids) and are working very hard on the infections in her skin. Shes enjoying her new life immensely, with lots of walks and adventure and we hope this really wonderful dog can be made comfortable. Long-term neglect can do such damage, especially in a dog of this breeding, but her spirit and temperament remain delightful. Littlefoots body gave out very suddenly, after nearly 3 years being the charismatic queen of her ODH home. She was a unique dog who will be remembered with a huge smile by her ODH mom who made such efforts to keep her comfortable, her vets, and all who met her. Littlefoot died December 27, 2014.