A true gentleman
Otis is a sweet and loving, long-eared, long-legged Pointer-Greyhound mix. He looking for a great forever home. Otis is 9 years old and he weighs 64 pounds. His grey muzzle and bushy eyebrows lend distinction to his chocolate candy bar-colored self. This sweet gentleman will play fetch and hold paws with a friend. The shelter volunteers say that he is a wonderful guy, OK with other dogs but please no chickens as Otis just can’t resist them!
Otis is posted for Adopt-A-Pet Shelter in Shelton, WA. For more information about Otis, please visit: www.adoptapet-wa.org/ or email: thedoghouse3091@hotmail.com
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Adopt-A-Pet Shelter
- Email: thedoghouse3091@hotmail.com
- Website: www.adoptapet-wa.org