Enjoys walks
11 year old Pablo is a friendly puggle who weighs 40 pounds. He’s the best of pug and beagle rolled into one! Pablo currently lives peacefully with 2 other dogs and he gets along well with new dogs he meets. He’s lived with cats and been a good boy with them too. We are told that Pablo is also good around gentle children of all ages. What a nice dog! Pablo is fine to stay alone for quite a while without needing a potty break. He does well on leash and enjoys getting out for walks. Pablo does take daily inexpensive thyroid supplement along with Apoquel, a drug for allergies. Both of these conditions are common in older dogs and quite manageable.
He is a lovable, loyal boy hoping to find an adoptive home. Does Pablo sound like the dog you’ve been hoping for?
Pablo is in Puyallup, WA.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; This is NOT an ODH Dog
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