Adores people
Delightful Rosie is at WAG rescue in Sequim, WA. She is a St. Bernard/Lab mix who has been looking for her forever home for almost a year. She is 8-years-old, weighs about 60 pounds, spayed, vaccinated & microchipped. She has grass allergies that are easily controlled with inexpensive meds. Happy, loving Rosie adores her humans more than anything! Her best friend is a big ol’ Labbie boy. However, she will have to meet any possible canine “sibs.” She CANNOT live with cats.
At an early age Rosie broke her right, front leg. She received no vet care & the leg atrophied. Now, Rosie gets around just fine with her 3 good legs. She has graduated from basic training at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, walks well with a harness & knows many hand-signal commands & some tricks. Her adoption fee is $275.
Please consider opening your heart to very special Rosie! If you’d like additional information please email Mel at Or, call her call at 805-813-2822. An adoption application can be found at
THIS IS NOT AN ODH DOG; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- WAG Rescue
- Email:
- Phone: 805-813-2822