Ready to be in a home and share all her love
“I have lived my life from puppyhood until now, as a farm dog. My name is Talyn, and I am a 45 pound cattle dog. My owners have passed away and now their farm must be sold by family. One of my owners’ daughters wants to try to help me find an adoptive home. She says I’m between 10-11 years old.
“As a farm dog, I’ve spent most of my life outdoors. I’ve lived around lots of animals and always been a good girl. I’ve cuddled with kitties. When meeting new dogs I am shy and reserved. If a dog is pushy, I’ll try to ignore them but if they bug me too much I’ll tell them to back off. I stay where I’m supposed to except when people blow those scary, loud things up in the air (fireworks). That’s when I will run so please keep me safe and secure when those awful things start.
“Ideally, I’d find a new home with a very large, secure yard. I’d love to be allowed to go inside my home. I have been able to sleep inside and I’ve done very well with it. Why can’t all dogs be inside? We are social beings and want to be with our people, don’t let anyone tell you differently. I love to play fetch and play with toys. I never had any leash training but if you would take me for walks, you could teach me how to walk. I’d love to explore new places with my new person.
“I’m not a barky dog; I’ve only barked to guard my property. I have been known to get into garbage when I’m bored or scavenge for crumbs around where the other animals are eating. While they say I’m supposed to be a herding dog, I’ve never been that type of girl. People that are loud and yell scare me; I’ll go and hide. Kids make me nervous, I prefer older children who know to be nice to animals and aren’t noisy and unpredictable.
“Right now I’m taking Proin which is a drug for urine leakage. I eat a no grain food for skin allergies. I’ve been taken pretty good care of and hope to find someone who will continue to do this for me. I know that my life is going to change-big time-moving from the home and life I’ve known for so long but I hope I can find someone who will love me and in return I will be their best friend. I need a home very soon so I hope it can happen.”
Talyn is courtesy posted for her family in Rainier, WA. Please contact referrals@olddoghaven.org for more information.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
- Email: referrals@olddoghaven.org