Shih Tzu enjoys island life
Tanner had a difficult journey before he came to ODH. Initially he was found with his person’s body and taken to a shelter. From there he went to a breed rescue group who couldn’t place him because of his age, and then finally he found his forever Final Refuge home with ODH. Before he came to ODH, Tanner had an eye removed due to damage from long-untreated dry eye. He did well with only one eye, but after about year, that eye also deteriorated and needed to be removed.
For over six years Tanner was loved and cared for by his two foster moms. Being blind wasn’t easy for him, but Tanner always knew his moms were there to help him and he settled into a pampered and easy routine that worked well for him. Tanner’s favorite activities were: being held and snuggled, riding in the truck, meeting people at the beach—where he developed quite a fan club—stopping at Starbucks for treats, and greeting guests when they came to his home to visit.
Sadly, after more than six years, dementia finally compromised Tanner’s quality of life to the extent that his life was more like existing than living so his moms released him from his body to allow him to move on to his next expression of spirit.
Tanner will be remembered with much love by two people who feel very fortunate to have shared their lives with him. Soon the sad tears and the emptiness of not seeing his physical presence will fade, and his life will be celebrated with joy and thankfulness by his moms who adored him and were very happy to be a part of his life.
Rest easy sweet boy and know you will always be loved.
P.S. If you can’t find any doughnuts at Home let us know and we’ll send some.