A friend to all and a true gentleman
10 year old Ted is an amazing little guy who weighs 8 pounds. is ready to find his forever family. He is a friend to everyone that he meets along the way and that includes other dogs and cats. Whether he is playing in his yard or lounging on the couch he is happy as long as he has his friends near him. Ted has excellent manners and is a true gentleman.
Ted is posted for Save-A-Mutt Rescue. He is in one of their foster homes in Snohomish County, WA. If you are interested in meeting Ted, please submit a Save-A-Mutt adoption application. Adoption applications can be found at www.save-a-mutt.org.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation
- Save-A-Mutt Rescue
- Website: www.save-a-mutt.org