Tiger is a very sweet boy in need of his new forever home! He’s 9 years old and 17 pounds with a great history of loving people and being very affectionate. He loves to go on walks and hikes. He also enjoys a good snuggle at the end of the day. He has lived with a bunny and did well. He is fully housetrained and crate trained. He knows sit, stay, leave it, go outside and go to your crate. Tiger is a bit on the shy side at first, so he would do best in a home with kids over the age of 12. He is a wonderful little peanut that would love to meet his new family today!

Tiger is posted for the PAWS shelter in Lynnwood.

ODH has not met this dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.

  • PAWS
  • Phone: 425-787-2500 x801 or 804
  • Website: www.paws.org