Support Us

Your gift today helps over 315 senior dogs in Old Dog Haven permanent foster care and helps ensure we can carry on with our mission to help more senior dogs in need. Thank you!


Old Dog Haven is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization (EIN 65-1249528). All donations are tax deductible.

If you would prefer to pay by check please make it payable to Old Dog Haven and send it to: Old Dog Haven, P.O. Box 1409, Oak Harbor, WA 98277-1409

We will not disclose donor information outside of our organization except as required by law. We will not sell or distribute our mailing lists to anyone. We will mail or e-mail a thank-you note acknowledging each contribution unless directed NOT to do so. We will mail or e-mail newsletters to donors unless directed NOT to do so.

This charity is currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State under the charitable solicitation act, registration number 23310.