
#GIVING TUESDAY is about hope, love, and kindness.

And so is Old Dog Haven. Everyone involved with Old Dog Haven works together every day to give love and hope to homeless senior dogs. Throw-away shelter dogs that would have died in shelters are taken in by Old Dog Haven and given a second chance at happiness. Dogs in poor health (most of them) are given much needed medical attention. Dogs that have lost their families are now valued and respected members of families who love them and are giving them opportunities to be happy, healthy dogs. Dogs are able to live out their senior years knowing they are safe, loved and will never be alone again because people have given their hearts to them.

Because of dedicated Old Dog Haven volunteers, foster parents and donors, well over 4,000 senior dogs have been helped in the past 12 years … and the need continues to grow.

#GIVING TUESDAY is about creating hope for the world. By making a gift to Old Dog Haven you are creating hope for old dogs.

If you are unable to make a gift you can still help by sharing this blog post, sharing our Facebook posts and sharing the word about Old Dog Haven to every dog lover you know and meet.

Please help us continue to provide hope and love to over 300 Old Dog Haven dogs in permanent foster care by clicking on the here to make a gift this #GIVING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29.

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