Annie (Angel)
Found lots of love
Annie lab, a really beautiful yellow Labrador, came into a shelter after being found far from the home listed on her microchip. She was transferred back to the right area but her owner never reclaimed her. She was so crippled, despite being a fairly young senior, that the shelter immediately asked ODH to take her. With the sweetest possible personality, Annie settled right into her little family with another very crippled dog and lapped up the love. We found that much of her problem is in her spine (so common in the seniors); an aggressive medication protocol has made her more comfortable and a little more mobile a special lifting harness helps also. We know she wont be comfortable much longer, but she loves the sunshine and perhaps will be able to enjoy the summer. Annies crumbling spine finally caused too much pain; shed had a beautiful summer in the sunshine and it was time to send her on to peace. She was loved a great deal and she knew that.