Gentle and loving
Arthur is a 10 year old lab mix who weighs almost 50 pounds. This very nice boy likes other dogs and ALL people!
This gentle boy is going to make a wonderful companion to someone, he is a true “velcro” dog. Arthur will need time to learn he is not going to lose another home. He has some anxiety and considering he recently lost his home, people and fur siblings, it is certainly understandable!
Arthur loves going for walks. He does need joint support medication as so many senior dogs do and with that, he can live much more comfortably.
Arthur is currently in a shelter foster home. His fosters report he is a “perfect gentleman” and that he has good house manners, not having an accident even once since he’s arrived. Arthur sounds like a real catch!
Arthur is posted for SpokAnimal Shelter located in Spokane, WA. (509) 534-8133 x 108 or email
Arthur is not an Old Dog Haven dog. Old Dog Haven has not assessed this dog for medical issues and will not be responsible for medical care after adoption. We urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- SpokAnimal Shelter
- Email:
- Phone: (509) 534-8133 x 108