Loves to cuddle and be close
Honey is as sweet as her name implies. This 14 year old is energetic, loving and very well behaved. Honey is good on leash, rides well in the car, sits politely when asked, and takes treats gently. She has lived happily with other dogs and even cats!
She is a spayed Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix that weighs 38 lbs. Honey has some arthritis but she is still able to do stairs, albeit slowly. One should keep in mind she may get to a point where she can’t do stairs anymore; thankfully she’s small enough to carry if necessary. She is housetrained and can be alone for 8-10 hours a day but it’d be nice if she didn’t have to wait that long for a potty break!
Honey will be the perfect partner for leisurely walks, and wants nothing more than to cuddle and be close. If you need someone sweet in your life, come meet Honey.
Honey is posted for the Seattle Animal Shelter. Her Animal ID is #38614756. She is currently in a foster home and not at the shelter. If you are interested in meeting her, please fill out a Dog Adoption Application, available at www.seattle.gov/animalshelter/forms.htm and email it to adoptionreview@gmail.com. Alternatively, you may fill out or drop off the application at the Seattle Animal Shelter, located at 2061 15th Ave. W (1 mile south of the Ballard Bridge, at the corner of W. Armory Way). The shelter is open five days a week (Wednesday – Sunday), from 1 pm – 6 pm.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Seattle Animal Shelter
- Email: adoptionreview@gmail.com
- Website: www.seattle.gov/animalshelter/forms.htm