Enjoys walks and LOVES people
James has lived with other dogs. He does better with female dogs and dogs who don’t try to dominate him. James has never lived with or been observed around a cat. He does well with kids age 6 and over that are nice to him.
James enjoys going for daily walks and we’re told he does great on leash. He can do stairs and be left alone for up to 6 hours without needing a potty break. James does take Prozac to keep from being “too barky and activated” because his owner is not well. Perhaps this is something he could be weaned off of eventually?
Common to his breed, he can get dry skin and he does need a wardrobe to keep him warm and his skin protected. James has a heart murmur that currently requires no mediation. His adopter should be able to afford vetting for the rest of his life-something everyone should consider when they adopt any dog.
We are told James ADORES people and loves to be near them, lie with them, be part of his family. James “eats well, sleeps well and likes to be petted”-he sounds great! James is waiting in Seattle, WA. for his adopters.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
- Email: referrals@olddoghaven.org