Loves cuddling and playing fetch
What a lovely girl Marissa is! Marissa is only 9 years old. She is a black lab mix who weighs 65 pounds. She is in need of a loving, caring, committed adoptive home.
Marissa currently lives with 3 other dogs and does well with them. It is unknown if Marissa has ever lived with or been exposed to cats. Marissa is said to be a gentle girl who has loved kids. It sounds as though she’d make a wonderful family dog in a home with older kids, aged 8 and older, who are kind to animals. Marissa is not fond of her ears being tugged on nor does she appreciate being crawled upon (that’s understandable!).
At this time Marissa spends her days in a fenced yard. At night she sleeps in a dog house outside or in her crate inside. It’d be wonderful to find Marissa a home where she spends more time inside the house. Out of boredom, she has dug holes in the yard.
Marissa came to her current owner in very bad shape; she had untreated fleas, infected skin and allergies. With diet and care, Marissa’s coat is healthy again.She needs a home with an adopter who will continue to keep her in good shape. It’s not comfortable or fair to a dog to have to live with fleas and itchy, inflamed skin. Marissa’s caregiver will share what she’s done for Marissa to maintain her coat. It’s important that Marissa’s adopter can and will afford her vet care and good food for the rest of her days.
While she loves to swim, hike, run and play, Marissa is showing that she may have some arthritis but it doesn’t slow her down yet. A joint supplement could more than likely benefit Marissa. She is active and needs her walks and fetch time with a tennis ball. When she’s not being active, she’s a great couch buddy. She loves to cuddle and we are told she is the BEST co-pilot!
Marissa sounds like a fun, sweet dog who has so much to offer an adopter. She is waiting in Onalaska, WA. for her forever home. For contact information please email:
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
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