Lively boy
Little Pippin spent some time in a big shelter, very thin and not much interested in eating, with a loud heart murmur but a great attitude – shelter vets were stumped and asked Old Dog Haven for help.
Once in his ODH Final Refuge home, Pippin received a thorough vetting. His cardiologist found that Pippin’s heart function was good despite the murmur, so he was approved for a very needed and extensive dental procedure. Once his mouth felt so much better–plus being in a really happy home with a very good dog buddy–Pippin started eating better and slowly gaining weight.
Thanks to your support of ODH, Pippin has become a lively, active little fellow who enjoys his life tremendously and has a great personality. And he’s a darn cute little guy too, don’t you think?
Update: Pippin’s health failed suddenly and his loving family had to say goodbye. He had a joyful last chapter and we are grateful to have known him.