Looking ​for the cutest senior bonded pair around???? Look no further than 13 year old Charlie and 9 year old Macy! These 2 darlings are still in great shape and can still get around just fine! They are both healthy and just had dental surgeries to get their mouths in tip top shape!

These 2 are very easy to please…do you have cozy dog beds and a warm lap with lots of time? Then you are all set! They love snoozing, cuddling and walks! They are both potty trained and really could not be easier to take care of. If you have room in your heart and lap for these two, they are ready to go to their adoptive home!

Charlie and Macy are posted for Pacific Pug Rescue in Portland, Oregon.  Please email adoptions@pacificpugrescue.org for more information

These are not ODH dogs; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.