Honey Bunny
All around nice girl
“Hi! I’m Honey Bunny. I am in need of an adoptive home and soon. People call me a chiweenie which means I’m a chihuahua and dachshund mix. I’m only 9 years old. I consider myself “young” but apparently I’m a senior girl now. Considering my breed mixes, I could be around for a long time, if I’m cared for properly. I’m not a tiny dog and I’m not a big dog; I’m an 11 pound lap dog.
”I have lived with other dogs and cats too. I am a very good girl with kids as well. You could say I’m an all around nice dog! I will bark at strangers but once I get to know a person, I’m fine.
”While I don’t get out much now, it may be nice to have a home where I go for a walk regularly. I behave well on leash. I can manage quite a while before needing a potty break. When my humans leave, I am fine. I am used to canine and feline company though so I can’t say how I’d do in a new home all by myself if I’m completely alone. I sleep in my bed at night, sometimes I’ll sleep in my crate. It’s always good for a gal to have options!
”I am hoping to find a home with another friendly dog or cat since that is what I’m used to. It would be wonderful to have a lap or two to warm when I’m not sitting in the sun. I was adopted from a shelter 7 years ago. I would like to believe my next home will be my true forever home!”
Honey Bunny is located Bonney Lake, WA. For contact information please email: referrals@olddoghaven.org
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
- Email: referrals@olddoghaven.org