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Please note: The dogs in ODH's Final Refuge care are not adoptable due to medical reasons and all are in permanent homes. Your sponsorship supports the veterinary expenses for these dogs - and we thank you!

Ahsoka joined her Old Dog Haven Final Refuge family after being surrendered to a local shelter when her owner passed away. Ahsoka spent 2 weeks in a very full shelter. As a senior dog deemed “unadoptable”, there was no place for her to go so Old Dog Haven was asked if we could find a home for her.  

Ahsoka has had a dental and had undergone surgery to remove a mammary mass. Because of this history, we will need to monitor her for recurring mammary tumors. Ahsoka’s dental disease was so severe she required a two part surgery. 

At first, Ahsoka seemed quite unsure what to make of her new home once she left the shelter. It may be that she never lived with other dogs, or she had not been introduced to many people. She was shy and seemed to be wary of her new humans’ intentions. With time to settle in, this beautiful girl attached herself to her forever foster mom. This has been a help to her forever foster’s heart after losing Yukon Cornelius, another Old Dog Haven Final Refuge dog who was sent on weeks before Ahsoka’s arrival. We often find that we need these dogs as much as they need us to help heal from loss! She is such a great dog and we feel so fortunate to share our home with her, thanks to Old Dog Haven.

Ahsoka is sponsored by:

  • Margaret Stewart of Grafton, VT
  • Victor Nosce