We named Arike for a star women’s college basketball player whose name means “something you see and cherish”.    She was left at a shelter by owners who couldn’t afford her vet care; their clinic asked the shelter to make sure Old Dog Haven got her.  She was a schnoodle, actually 3/4 schnauzer and much like that breed except for a tiny voice and one “poodle ear”.   Arike came to us with neurologic problems and what was likely Cushings disease with hypertension developing as well.

She was a sweet little girl who struggled to make her hind legs work, and became fecal incontinent as a result of whatever was going on in her spine.      She became weaker and then a GI bug overtook her – not a good combination at all.   We made the very difficult decision to let her go after only 3 months but really miss her sweet little face with those crooked ears.

What a lovely little dog she was.