A real people lover
“Hi I am Diesel! I’m a Blue Heeler who weighs 65 pounds. My birthday is coming up, I’ll turn 11 years old on August 31st of this year. I’m REALLY hoping I’ll be in my adoptive home to celebrate my birthday.
“My human passed away and his kind ex-wife took myself and my sister in. She is unable to keep us and she’s tried very hard to find us new homes but she’s not had any luck. This is why I’m here, to find a new home. My sister and I are good to each other but it’s not like we rely on each other to be happy. We will be fine going to separate homes. I may actually prefer being someone’s only dog. When my sister and I are together I can be a bit choosy about which dogs I’ll be friends with.I really like people and because I’m a big guy who could accidentally hurt a child with my size, I’d prefer a home with adults.
“I will let you know when a stranger comes to our house or if I hear strange noises. I’m a good guard dog that way but don’t expect me to live up to my bark! I’m really a lover, my caretaker calls me a “big oaf”. I will try to be your lap dog if you let me! I’m really a couch potato who loves attention and affection.
“When I was a youngster I tore my ACL. My human took me to swim therapy for that. No one is sure when I last saw a vet and I can’t tell you so I hope my new human can and will get me checked out. I’d like to think I’ll be around for years to come; keeping me vetted could help me do that.
“I’ve been fine to go without a potty break for many hours and I can still manage stairs. But remember as I get older both may be harder (or even impossible) to do. Just like you humans, we dogs need to potty more as we age and we get arthritis which can make doing stairs very hard. My sister and I have been fine to stay alone when the people have to leave the house. I can’t say for sure how I’ll respond if I’m adopted without her and I am left alone without company. I’m not saying I’d be difficult, I just want that to be considered. I hope my new person will be understanding and patient with me.
“Well meaning, good people may say not to adopt us out separately. We are facing losing our home very soon and if a home can’t be found for either or both of us, we will be headed to a shelter. That’s the reality, so please, consider one of both of us to give a home to. We are stating in all honesty that adopting us together if you have dogs already at home will not work. My sister and I will be just fine if we need to go our separate ways. We just want to find a home or homes to go to for forever and soon!”
Diesel is posted for his caregiver in Edmonds, WA. For contact information please email: referrals@olddoghaven.org
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
- Email: referrals@olddoghaven.org