Perfect little gentleman
Harvey has been in his Old Dog Haven Final Refuge home since July 2015 and has proven to be the perfect little gentleman. Although he is blind (he prefers “visually challenged”) it took him less than two hours to learn the layout of the house and operation of the dog door, and one day to learn the 2-1/2 acres of grass, fenced garden and woods of his forever home. No problem for this little guy!
Harvey, like so many blind dogs of any age, adapted very quickly to his new home with a little patience and consistency on the part of his people. Now, almost every day Harvey takes his ODH mom on a walk up the fence line, through the garden, by the chicken pen and barn, and back to the house. He is her own personal trainer!
Harvey suffers from IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) which is being treated with a prescription diet, and he sees the ophthalmologist regularly to make sure his hypermature cataracts don’t lead to glaucoma. He’s yet another example of how well blind dogs do in a loving home and what a shame it is that they are so often rejected for adoption.
…Harvey says potential adopters are missing out on some great dogs! Just look at him now!
Update: After a wonderfully long time, Harvey’s health issues, including dementia, worsened and it was time to let him move on. He was treasured in his Final Refuge home and is greatly missed.