Bouncy and loves to cuddle
Meet sweet Maddie.
She is about 10 years of age and just shy of 9 pounds. She had a loving home up until the death of both of her owners. There was no place within the family for her so she was bounced around and sometimes hidden because no one wanted to take her to a shelter.
Rebecca’s Rainbow Rescue took her in and found her a place to feel right at home. She found the water bowls right away, took instantly to a big back yard, and really enjoyed the resident dogs. Maddie had a full veterinary exam with blood work, urinalysis and x-rays. Through her vetting it was discovered she was not yet spayed and she had bladder stones. So along with her dental she was spayed and had a cystotomy.
After all of that she is bouncy, cheerful, cuddly and loveable. She has had her stitches removed, everything has healed so nicely, and now she is just looking for her forever home. Rebecca’s Rainbow has her listed as a special needs dog because she had a bladder stone and this will need to be monitored over the years.
Maddie prefers to be with the people but is fine on her own. She is just getting the “feeling” back after having the stone removed and is making quick progress on her potty training. She will do best with someone compassionate and patient while this progress continues; thus, she is not checked as fully “house trained”. Rebecca’s Rainbow wants Maddie to have the advantage of her own little secure outdoor space so they will insist on a home with a fenced yard.
Maddie is in a wonderful foster home in Kirkland, WA.
This is not an ODH dog: we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Rebecca's Rainbow
- Email: michelehayward@