Great manners and fun
Meet Max, an almost 14 year old boy in need of an adoptive home. Max weighs 21 pounds and he is said to be a Chihuahua-Corgi mix. His caregivers describe him as “a sweet little sausage”. Max is in need of a home soon. His human can no longer care for him because of her own medical issues.
Max has lived with dogs and he loves friendly dogs. It is unknown how Max would react to a cat. Max has done great with kids that are kind to him. Max has wonderful manners. He has spent time being a support animal to residents in nursing homes. We are told Max is not a barky dog but he will alert you to strangers at the door and sirens. He has been good about spending time alone while his human is away from home, managing quite a while before he needs a potty break. Because he is getting older, however, he shouldn’t have to hold it too long! He will use a potty pad if he has to.
Max is reportedly great on leash. He really enjoys a daily walk and play time in the yard. He can still do stairs. Max loves being brushed and petted. But Max’s favorite activity is cuddling with his person. At night Max will keep his person’s feet warm in bed as if it was his duty to do so. Max loves to take his person’s slippers and carry them around the house, presenting them to his person. Doesn’t Max sound like a really great, fun, sweet dog?? Someone is going to be so lucky to make Max their forever friend.
Max is posted for his family in Tacoma, WA. For contact information please email:
This is not an Old Dog Haven dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; this is not an ODH dog
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