Thirteen year old Mixy was a heartbreaker. Left behind by her family (tied up in the yard when they moved out), neighbors happened to notice her, began feeding her and, after a month, took Mixy to the shelter. There, Mixy stayed, making it difficult for the staff as, suffering from cataracts, she could not see well and would nip at anyone trying to touch her neck. Mixy arrived in her ODH home almost blind, nearly deaf and extremely traumatized. Still after a few hours, she allowed her new people to touch her and, after a day, put a collar around her neck. But Mixy was too traumatized to recover. She would accept pets, look sadly at you and then howl her heart out. Between constant crying, pacing and pawing at windows, she showed flashes of a curious girl who investigated open drawers, unzipped a computer case pocket with her teeth and squeezed under legs to extract a food bag from the refrigerator. But Mixy could not recover from her trauma and her distress came to such a point that, after five days, the difficult decision was made to release her from pain. Mixy was a wonderful dog. Her new family misses her very much yet is happy that, thanks to Old Dog Haven, Mixy could spend her last days in a real home with soft beds, walks, treats and gentle pets until the end. She passed away July, 2014.