Loves to be with his people
Look at this sweet face! Meet Ollie, a dear boy who is about 11 years old. He weighs approximately 50 pounds. Ollie is described as the “sweetest lovebug around”.
Ollie loves to be with his people. He is house trained, crate trained and an all around good dog. Ollie is gentle and takes treats nicely. He absolutely LOVES to cuddle and sit next to his people on the couch. Ollie enjoys his daily walks and although he has some arthritis, he has pep in his step! He does well on short hikes and just wants to be with his people.
This nice boy does well with other dogs, living peacefully with his canine foster siblings. He would do best in a kitty free home.
Ollie is posted for Paco’s Rescue Network. He is being fostered in Redmond, WA. To learn more about Ollie and adopting him, please email: karinkeith@hotmail.com
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Paco's Rescue Network
- Email: karinkeith@hotmail.com