A very delightful, loving boy
Orion came into the shelter a pretty sad picture: VERY thin, missing hair everywhere with a red bare belly and angry-red bare throat, infected red ears, very bent hind legs signalling old ligament tears in his knees that had become arthritic. Nevertheless, this sweetheart gave low tail wags to anyone paying attention and made sure his head was in a good position for stroking.
Once on a good diet, supplements, antibiotics, medicated baths with topical treatment in between, he has started sprouting new hair and his eyes have started glowing. His xrays show terrible arthritis in many joints and in his back but with meds on board he delights in prancing around the field and rolling around in the grass. Medication stopped the itching right away and he’s eating everything in sight. This big guy may never look like a show dog but he will be a lot more comfortable!
Meanwhile, he makes sure everyone including all guests keeps up the pets – his goal is to be a Spoiled Pampered House Pet and we bet he’ll get there.
What a nice nice dog, we are thrilled to have him.
Update: Orion very quickly gained a great deal of weight and grew much of his hair back in, as he got stronger and more confident. He dragged me along on VERY brisk prancing walks and put up with the swarm of little barking dogs in his home. Those old joints are very frail but his lovely manners and sweet attitude never waver.
Final Update: After 15 months, we had to say goodbye to this truly wonderful dog. Too many things causing pain and not responding to treatment – as much as we wanted him to stay and he fought to stay with us, it was time.
He so enjoyed his life with us and we only wish it could have been longer. He was very much loved.