ChiCha is a petite, spunky dachshund mix.  She and her “sister” Mali were unceremoniously sent to a shelter when their owner died, and then spent time in a shelter foster home while ODH paid for extensive veterinary testing.  ChiCha was diagnosed with heart disease some time ago but is currently doing well on medication. She recently had a large benign growth removed from a paw.  Despite her medical issues, including hearing loss and cataracts, ChiCha loves life!  Her favorite activities are walks (with plenty of doxie zoomies), exploring the back yard, and of course, snuggling under the covers.

Mali is a happy, playful Chihuahua mix (perhaps with cattle dog?).  Mali has liver disease which does not currently interfere too much with her quality of life, but could worsen at any moment.  She also has digestive issues which require prescription canned food.  Mali’s not much of a snuggler, but she loves going for walks, playing chase, and napping.  When she’s happy, her smile lights up the room.

We’re glad to provide these two cuties with a good home and all the medical care needed for as long as they are comfortable and happy.

Update:  These two pups passed within a couple of months of each other.  They will be greatly missed and we are so happy they had a wonderful final home together to soak up all the love!