Loves people; smart and agile
This stunning Malamute is Ryder. He is about 9 years old and he weighs about 80 pounds. Ryder is neutered and microchipped. He is good with other big dogs. He’s been the target of attack three times by small dogs so he is understandably wary of them and the rescue would like to avoid adopting him to a home with small dogs. He should not be adopted to a home with cats. Ryder pulls a bit on leash and will benefit from some training.
Ryder is well behaved indoors but can be a food thief if you are not watching closely. He is housetrained but not crate trained. He does not like to be left alone. Ryder’s adoptive home must have at least 6′ fencing and secure locking gates. He may also need a dig guard to keep him safely in the yard.
Ryder is a bit shy with new people but once he warms up, he loves people, especially women and men that are patient and calm. He is in good health and submissive with adults and kids. Car rides are not his favorite thing and can make him a bit nervous. This boy is smart and agile and can open doors and sliders.
Ryder is posted for Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League (WAMAL). WAMAL adopts only to residents of Washington and Oregon state.
If you are interested in adopting Ryder, please visit www.WAMAL.com and complete an online adoption application. Questions? wamal@wamal.com.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League
- Email: wamal@wamal.com
- Website: www.WAMAL.com