Stormy is a 13-year-old bundle of adorable Pomeranian. He came into a shelter as a stray with flea nests in his coat, but there was a CraigsList “lost dog” posting for him and he had a rabies tag. Shelter staff repeatedly contacted the owner but no one came to get him, perhaps because of the cost? After it became clear that he was truly abandoned the staff called ODH. Stormy arrived VERY thin, deaf and in need of grooming, but so happy to be in a home again and in fairly decent overall health. He surely is enjoying himself now! This cutie-pie has completely won over his ODH family who hope he’ll be with them for many months. Little Stormy’s spirit and personality were very strong but we lost him to a recurrent intestinal obstruction. His ODH mom says that he was truly a pain but she loved him very much – that little fellow leaves a big hole in his ODH home. Stormy passed away October 30, 2014.