Fun and very smart
12 year old Summer is a white german shepherd who weighs 73 pounds. She is stunning! She is showing her age some; she’s slowed down on walks but she still really appreciates them. Summer spends a lot of her time lounging around inside her home. She will play the “find it game” and she knows quite a few verbal commands: “sit”, “stay”, “wait”, “go to your bed”, “kiss”, “get your leash”, “bow”, and “paw”. She sounds like a fun dog, doesn’t she? Being so smart and lovely, Summer has been known to take advantage of people who are not dog savvy. She needs someone who will be a loving, gentle leader. Summer can reportedly stay alone for quite a few hours without needing a potty break. Her canine companion passed away a couple years ago. She takes her time getting to know new dogs. A home with someone who either has no other dogs or one with someone who has experience in introducing and integrating dogs would be best. She has not lived with or been observed around cats. We are told that Summer has lived with children and would probably be fine with others who are respectful of her space. Her people describe her as being “very sweet and affectionate”.
Summer is in Edmonds, WA in need of a adoptive home.
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evaluation.
- Posted for others; This is NOT an ODH Dog
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