Tank was a BIG dog – 122 pounds when he arrived at the shelter with some scabs on his face. We knew it might be an auto-immune problem but hoped it could be treated; unfortunately the dermatologist found T-cell lymphoma with a very bad prognosis. We began treatment to forestall progression but the medication encouraged his chronic bladder infections to flourish and made healing of wounds very difficult. For some time Tank had no idea he was sick; he enjoyed his ODH home, his “sibling” and being a buddy to his dad. He stayed on prescription diet to prevent urinary crystals from turning into bladder stones, and the vets did their best to balance the problems. When more tumors began to appear all over his body it was clear that the lymphoma had spread; it was time to say goodbye. As often with cancer (and especially with golden retrievers who are so prone to cancer), Tank was way too young and too happy, but his ODH dad can remember what a good life he had – that’s all Tank asked.

Please support canine cancer research!