Celia Mae
Deserving Diva
Celia Mae is a beautiful 12 yr old Papillon that was dropped at a shelter by a teenager who got bored with her. She was emaciated, terrified, and had just a few rotten teeth left in her infected, painful mouth. Muscle tone was so poor the vet wondered if she was ever allowed to walk. Emotionally fragile but tough as can be, she refused to make eye contact, shivered when you tried to touch her, and tried to attack any human she felt threatened by. In her ODH home, the nasty teeth came out, the weight came back on, and love surrounded her.
She has blossomed in her forever home, with a beloved Yorkie brother and a family that adores her. Her favorite things are car rides, napping with “her” Yorkie, and snuggling in her mom’s arms. She now proudly struts around, tail constantly wagging, and reminds everybody that she is a lovely, deserving diva. We agree!
Update: After a wonderful time in her Final Refuge home, dear Celia Mae’s health finally failed and her family had to let her go. From her mom:
“Mae Mae touched many lives for ODH over the years. She loved events, and loved to be snuggled by anybody, at any time. I’m so blessed to have shared her life, and thankful to have had such a perfect representative for ODH. My heart is broken, but an uncharacteristically super clingy Selima (Mae Mae’s foster sister) and I will get through it together.”
Celia Mae touched so many lives and brought so much joy. She will live on in all our hearts.