Darla was left at a shelter for “owner-requested euthanasia”, citing severe arthritis.   The shelter didn’t find her crippled so put her on the adoption floor.   Unfortunately, she was so terribly stressed by the experience that the shelter vet put her on a LOT of anti-anxiety meds and eventually ODH was asked to take her.   As it turned out, the anxiety was really the only part of the information we got that was accurate!

She is three years younger than they thought (though still a senior), she has no arthritis, but she does have skin problems that haven’t responded to any or our treatments,  anal glands that easily get infected and a mass on her rectum, and definitely tends to anxiety.

On the other hand, she’s a terrific ball-player – any ball! – and a very sweet girl who cons every visitor into petting her.    She will soon see the dermatologist in hopes of finding an answer to her persistent skin lesions.

Our dogs always come with surprises and Darla has proved that true!

Update:  Sadly, Darla’s many medical issues became too much to ask her to deal with, so we had to say goodbye after several wonderful months with her.  We know she knew that we loved her and we could easily tell she loved us as well.  Darla was a very special dog and we were so glad we could give her a loving last chapter.