A new lease on life!
Edsgar is a dapple longhaired miniature dachshund, and was 14 plus years old when he found himself in need of a new home. As with many Old Dog Haven Final Refuge dogs, Edsgar was in poor health when he came into care. A flea infestation had left him severely anemic, and arthritis and previous damage to his hind legs left him unable to walk easily.
Thanks to ODH donors and fosters, he quickly had his immediate medical needs treated, and when he was well enough for surgery, he was neutered and had a hernia repaired.
But if the best day of his life was when ODH pulled him from the shelter, a close second came a few months later. His ODH Final Refuge family got him a puppy! And while past injuries mean that he will never have a proper gait, he has a spring in his step as he romps around the yard and the house tussling and cuddling with the puppy who now outweighs him.
From his Foster Home: “After almost four and a half years in his ODH Foster Home, we said our final goodbyes to Esdgar in late February.”
It is because of the generosity of ODH donors and volunteers that he was able to have those extra years, and his foster family wanted to thank all of the donors for helping him over the years. They have included a photograph of one last afternoon in the sun, with the puppy he raised as his own.