Very sweet and affectionate
8 year old Honey is an adorable dachshund-miniature pinscher mix who weighs 16 pounds.
Her life has recently been turned upside down by a major change in her family. She now needs a home with someone who will commit to her for the rest of her days and be willing and able to afford her vet care. She was diagnosed with a heart murmur but at this time Honey takes no medication for that. Honey does have a prescription shampoo that needs to be used when she is bathed. At only 8 years old, Honey is a young senior, she could be around for a long time to come with proper care.
Honey has lived with other dogs and cats. We are told she is social when meeting new dogs, just please feed her separately from other dogs. Who wants to be bothered when they’re enjoying their meal, anyway? Honey has lived with children and should be fine in a new home with kids who are old enough to be kind and respectful. At this time Honey can manage about 5 hours before she needs a potty break. She does spend the day in her kennel while her person is away. Honey sleeps in her kennel at night as well but we bet she’d enjoy sharing the bed with her person! Her owner states a home with a dog door and securely fenced yard would be nice for Honey.
Honey enjoys walks and is good on leash. She will bark to let you know when people are at the door. Honey is described as “a very sweet, affectionate lap dog”. We think Honey sounds like she’s a terrific dog who will make a loving addition to a home!
Honey is posted for her owner in Port Orchard, WA. For contact information please email: referrals@olddoghaven.org
This is not an ODH dog; we urge prospective adopters to do their own evluation. rec
- Posted for others; This is not an ODH dog
- Email: referrals@olddoghaven.org