Japhy was the best of the best.

A shelter had been trying unsuccessfully to adopt Japhy out for several weeks before contacting Old Dog Haven. Once he had been neutered, he brought his exuberant energy to a Final Refuge home. Japhy was missing a ring of fur around his neck and was dog-reactive on his leash walks. Likely, he had spent at least part of his life chained up outside.

Once he was settled into his foster home, Japhy had entropion surgery and dental work.  Japhy drank far too much and thus continued leaking and emptying his bladder inside. Tests and treatment for Cushing’s, diabetes insipidus, neurological problems, and hormonal issues yielded no help for the incontinence. He had chronic urinary tract infections and a bad back.

Despite his health problems and frequent vet visits, Japhy maintained the happy-go-lucky personality of a pit bull. Japhy loved going on adventures, especially hikes in the woods. He was an excellent friend to the resident cat and patient with his doggie foster siblings. He adored people and loved meeting strangers on his walks. His ODH mom would give anything to be cleaning up his lakes of tinkles again, if it meant he were still there. The house feels quiet and empty without him.

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