Small Collie - Very happy dog
Luna is probably a small Collie but could be an “oversize” Sheltie; we don’t quite know. A Good Samaritan found her “stray”, located the owner who didn’t want her back, and then took her to the shelter where they found her to be quite arthritic and unspayed with (as so often happens with intact females later in life) several mammary masses. The shelter spayed her and intended to remove all the mammary glands – a very extensive surgery that can be an extremely painful recovery – but decided her skin was too unhealthy and called ODH instead. Luna settled easily into her ODH home, becoming part of the family and quickly becoming healthier. Our vet found that most of the “masses” were cysts or infections. After treating those, the remaining suspicious masses were removed and found to be completely benign! What a great relief. Her dry coat has become lovely, she is more mobile now with medication, and she is happy. She absolutely loves to be outside with the family, stretching out in the sun when there is a chance. She enjoys playtime and has claimed the sofa or loveseat each evening, putting her head on one of the throw pillows. She makes a wonderful “whoo whoo” noise several times a day when she is smiling and happy – perhaps she sounds like a cow, but we prefer to think she sounds like a VERY happy dog!
Update: Luna’s body simply gave out, despite all the efforts of her ODH family and veterinarians she couldn’t go on. Her beautiful presence and beautiful spirit are remembered with much love.