Rusty (Doxie)
Happy and enjoying his new home
Rusty came to Old Dog Haven care when he was found kenneled outside because the assisted living facility his owners were in would not take him in.
Since becoming an ODH Final Refuge dog, Rusty has had surgery to remove an enlarged testicle (and the other one), repair an oro-nasal fistula, drain some dental abscesses and clean his teeth as well as have 12 damaged teeth removed and a degenerated jaw bone repaired. Not surprisingly for being left kenneled outside, he also needed treatment for ear infections, a flea infestation, and some crazy long nails trimmed. Whew! He’s now MUCH more comfortable.
Rusty also had a biopsy which confirmed an aggressive form of bladder cancer. While his people know that his time will be limited, they’re thankful that he’s feeling so much better and they’re grateful for whatever time they have with him. His three new canine siblings seem to make him very happy with their willingness to cuddle and play with him – probably because he is such a gentle, loving dog. And his Final Refuge mom really appreciates his graciousness in wearing a belly band. Such a good boy.
“We have all our fingers, toes and tails crossed that we can keep Rusty happy and comfortable for as long as possible and make this last phase of his life a truly wonderful one.”